Selena Gomez has a really good friend... and her name is Taylor Swift! You may not have known that these two are gal pals but they actually have been friends for a while.
Swift tweeted a photo of the pair on Wednesday and said, "The day @selenagomez and I learned a valuable lesson from a pillow." It looks like the BFF's were having a slumber party of sorts! It's unknown whether or not they actually took that picture on Wednesday (which would mean that Gomez is no longer with Justin Bieber overseas), or if that was just a photo Taylor wanted to share with her fans.
It's always cool to see who is hanging out in Hollywood. Sometimes the oddest friendships are formed, and they just work! While Swift and Gomez's relationship is not "odd," it's still a pairing that many people didn't expect. Did you know that these two were friends? Maybe there will be a duet in the future!
© Effie Orfanides 2011
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