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MTV Angered by Taylor Swift's Kanye West Song at VMAs - Limelife

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Taylor Swift appears to be receiving all favorable reviews for her performance at MTV's Video Music Awards this week, but we've heard that MTV itself was a little up-in-arms. First of all, Taylor Swift went against MTV's recommendation to do a Kanye duet, and then she left the audience feeling "uncomfortable," says a new report.
Taylor Swift's public forgiveness of Kanye West through the public performance of a song did seem a little...strange. At first we applauded her maturity and willingness to tell Kanye she forgives him, but now that we're hearing what happened behind the scenes, Taylor's move sounds to have been a little self-serving.
Watch How Taylor Swift Forgave Kanye West in VMAs Performance (VIDEO)
We caught this from E! via Celebitchy late Tuesday:
"Certain MTV execs were not pleased with Ms. Swift's performance-or lack-there-of, as it might be. Not only did her appearance leave some viewers scratching their heads, but Tay also shied away from a proposed duet between the two superstars-according to impeccable MTV sources. Keep in mind this was never an official duet planned by the hip network, but, merely one several key MTV players were very much pushing for."
It's said that after Taylor's performance, the live audience inside the Nokia Theater was completely silent...because they were confused. MTV bigwigs are said to have been stunned too, because according to reports, Taylor never told them what her performance would consist of until it was almost time for her to go out onstage. By that time it's said she and Kanye formed a truce backstage...but she didn't want him out there as part of the show.
Read: Kanye West Apologizes, Writes Taylor Swift a Song
We'll agree, Kanye West took enough of Taylor Swift's stage time in 2009; but it's pretty obvious why things went down the way they did. The song Taylor sang Sunday night is on her new album that's set to come out in late October. Looks like she wanted us all to hear it so, you know, we'd go out and buy it.
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Read: Taylor Swift's New Album 'Speak Now' Out in October

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